Supporting bookkeepers, supporting small business. Help is here.

It’s a tough time for small business right now – and at the coal face helping them are bookkeepers. Between Job Saver, Micro Business Grants, Government Business Grants, Disaster Payments (and that’s just in NSW) bookkeepers and accountants sure have their work cut out for them. Add in the normal work you’d be doing – and it’s a recipe for burnout. With so much going on, it’s understandable that you lay awake at night wondering how you’re going to get through everything. Or stressing about how you’re going to get the right information from your client, on time. And, that you’re spending extra hours manually trawling data, just to make sure everything is A-OK and you can take a breath and leave work, at work.

It can be exhausting. But there are ways to help ease that stress – and we at XBert can help. Every day, our users tell us how XBert saves their sleep and takes a mental weight off. It helps give you peace of mind that nothing has been missed, that the data is clean and you know exactly what needs to be done, by when.

Lift a mental weight with AI Audit

The most simple way to ease that mental load is to ‘employ’ XBert’s AI Audit to run over your client files. With almost 60 risk alerts trawling your data constantly, you will save time on arduous manual checks and have confidence knowing the numbers are accurate. In fact, more than one XBert user has described our audit as the Part-Time employee they don’t have to have. It only took a few days for Trina Dando to realise was an incredible time saver XBert is.

“I currently have a Part Time employee but I don’t need another one for some time, because of the work XBert helps me get done.”

For Nicole Lynch at Streamline Management, it’s saved the stress of finding sneaky errors right on TPAR or BAS lodgement deadlines.

“XBert now alerts us to issues as they happen, so we can address it right away and know when we get to year end everything is correct.”

Here’s just a few examples of how XBert has saved rework (not to mention the time it took to find the error) for some of our users:

  • A bookkeeper had a typo in the ABN on their printed Invoice, which XBert picked up.
  • A Junior employee had not provided their TFN but had since turned 18 and no one picked it up - except XBert.
  • A popular brand metro coffee shop that a client went to regularly, was charging GST on their invoices but using an ABN that was not registered for GST.
  • A bookkeeping client missed a whole client’s payroll.
  • Another bookkeeping client accidently uploaded the payroll 3 times.
  • A main brand service station was charging GST and the invoice on the ABN on their receipt was not registered for GST.

Add to that the fact many business owners are attempting to reconcile the books themselves – which can mean a lot of clean up and rework for bookkeepers and accounting teams – and it’s pretty much a necessity if you’re looking to find efficiencies in your business.

Sleep better knowing the data is clean

With XBert’s comprehensive Artificial Intelligence and machine learning trawling your data and looking for issues like duplicates, coding errors, GST and ABN discrepancies and then flagging them for your attention, you remove the need for many manual checks. There are no surprises right on lodgement deadlines and you can sleep sweet at night knowing the data is accurate. Not only will you save hours right off the bat – you’ll have confidence knowing you can trust the numbers and effectively advise your client on the health of their business moving into a new financial year.

Our tricky XBerts will also recognise any business trends and patterns and alert you to those as well. This means you can get insights into the health of your clients data at the click of a button – allowing you to make informed decisions on onboarding such clients, billing and grow your advisory services. XBert alerts also contain a deep link directly to the issue in your accounting software. With one link you can click, resolve or assign to someone to take over. You will no longer waste time on manual work checks, audits or time-consuming rework. It’s all about making your life as simple as we can, while maintaining data integrity.

The best part: it’s simple to set up. In just a few clicks, you can have XBert’s comprehensive audit trawling your Xero, MYOB and QuickBooks data multiple times a day, flagging issues, inconsistencies and anomalies that require your attention.

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