Kue Hall

Top 10 bookkeeping workflow features XBert released in 2021

It’s been a huge year of gifts for XBert users. Despite the chaos that ensued for small business across the globe, the team at XBert worked tirelessly to ensure we were creating features and bookkeeping workflow tools that helped small business, bookkeepers and accounting firms have peace of mind in their financial data.

  1. MYOB & QuickBooks integrations  
  2. New AI Audit risk alerts
  3. Template schedules
  4. Client Notes
  5. Email integration
  6. Client Contacts
  7. Priority Tasks
  8. New filters
  9. Custom Statuses
  10. Reports

1. MYOB & QuickBooks integrations

We expanded our offering for Xero users and welcomed MYOB and QuickBooks users to the product.  

2. New AI Audit risk alerts

If your 2022 business goals include growing your client base– or even finding a better work/life balance, it’s never been more achievable. XBert was already the most comprehensive AI audit bookkeeping tool on the market, but we took it to a whole new level in 2022.  Across all countries we’ve released 41 XBerts risk alerts this year – and 23 of those were brand new, bookkeeping audit checks for Australia. That takes the total number of daily checks XBert runs across Xero, MYOB and QuickBooks data, over 60.

audit risk alerts

3. Workflow Template scheduling

Workflow templates for bookkeepers have many benefits. But XBert workflow templates are now supercharged thanks to the ability to schedule your templates to fire on schedules that line up with your client work schedules. Doing Payroll weekly on Monday for client A, B, C and D – and on a Thursday for Client E, F, G and H? And monthly for J, K & L? No need to create multiple templates for each of these clients – simply schedule the cycles that work for you, on your one Payroll template.

4. Client Notes

Forget jumping in and out of different programs when you’re looking for specific client information. XBert released a Notes feature that allows you to add further information relating to a specific client to their Template tasks. Continuing with our Payroll example, that may mean bank details for the client in question can be automatically included on any tasks created for that client.

client notes

5. Email integration

This was met with a ‘hallelujah’! You can now easily turn emails into tasks by simple forwarding them into XBert using your assigned email address. You can find this in User Settings.

6. Client Contacts

Getting essential information from a client – or asking for clarification if something doesn’t look right, has never been easier. You can now welcome your Client into XBert as a user contact – which allows you to assign tasks, ask questions if an XBert risk alert is fired, and even communicate via a team chat. This is also paired with our upgraded White-labelled Client Console, where you can collaborate and get quick access to snapshots for business health, along with reports.

7. Priority Tasks

You can create Priority tasks. Simple click the little lightning bolt next to any task to make it a priority. You can see all your Priority tasks in one click on the Priority board. The perfect place to start your day if you’re feeling swamped or overwhelmed – it's all right there. You can also click and drag tasks in order of importance, so as things change during the day or week, it’s easy to keep track.

8. New filters

It’s all about less clicks, right? We improved and added so many filters that within 4 clicks you can pretty much drill down to any subset of tasks, reporting period and staff member you like. Our extensive filters allow you to sort by every aspect of your work, including, reporting period, by assigned user, priority tasks, task status and due dates ...just to name a few. Our Saved Views allow you to save any filtered views you use regularly, for easy one-click access.

9. Custom Statuses

Tracking the progress of your tasks, and your teams, has always been easy thanks to our Task Status. However, we took it to another level with the new release of our Custom Statuses – the ability not only to customise the statuses available on a task...but also the colour!

10. Reporting

We’re constantly working on creating useful reports for you to be able to give better advice, easily. This year saw the release of our Data Quality and Activity Counts reports, which allow bookkeepers to quickly understand the size and complexity of their client files. This helps with onboarding and billing, as well as allows you to quickly see areas that need attention.  Keep your eyes peeled in 2022 – we have some even more exciting reports being released.  

data quality reports

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