Aaron Wittman

Co-Founder, XBert Pty Ltd

What Business Intelligence Reports can do for accounting professionals

Given the rapidly changing face of the business world – and the trials and tribulations highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic – business intelligence (BI) reporting is proving to be imperative for accountants and bookkeepers looking to collect data effectively and turn insights in action. No industry benefits from this form of data collection and presentation more than the accounting and bookkeeping industries. From the small sole trader looking to service current clients or a large multi-national firm looking to upskill employees and grow advisory…BI reporting is an incredibly effective, necessary tool.

Accounting professionals that take advantage of business intelligence reporting don’t just enjoy increased productivity and accuracy, they gain the insights to make more informed decisions. This means they’re able to help their clients with the right data, and better advice.

Benefits of Business Intelligence Reporting:

  • Utilise real-time data
  • Client analysis and behavioural prediction
  • Informed, data-driven decision making
  • Cost analysis

And that’s exactly why we built industry specific business intelligence reports in XBert.The added benefits of XBert's Business Intelligence Reports include:

  • Data Health Scores
  • Enhanced data quality
  • Identify areas for bookkeeping improvements

Giving you a multi-perspective view into your client’s datasets at the simple click of a button, XBert’s BI Reports give you deep insights into any client’s business health, allowing you to give meaningful advice on their business. Beginning with a 12-month business quality check overview, you can then drill down on specific dates, datasets (think banking, sales, payroll, invoicing, billing and bookkeeping) to gain insights to a specific period.You can filter through these thanks to clickable, easy-to-read visuals. We’ve even included the option to practice-brand the reports, giving you the option to onsell to your clients. If you’re looking to add more value to your clients, grow your advisory and in turn, increase revenue – alL without loads of extra leg work, then introducing BI Reports to your advisory is a must.

BI Reports blurred

Data Health checks for fixed-fee billing

Analysis of the data and work you’re doing for your client is one of the key factors in determining your fixed-fee billing schedule. And that’s where XBert’s newest interactive business intelligence report steps in. Like everything we build: this was a product of user feedback. Our accounting and bookkeeping practice users wanted easy access to more detail of their client’s activity, shown over time, so they can more accurately price services for their clients.And so, our new Activity Count report was built specifically for that need. The Activity Count report analyses the last year of activity data, with breakdowns across quarters being the key focus, allowing practices to easily see trends that help shape the pricing for their clients.This report is interactive, with the ability to drill down to months to also spot trends at a month-by-month level. It’s also organised by the key business functions of Payables, Receivables, Banking and Payroll.

Activity Counts

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