Kue Hall

How Aintree Group's bookkeeping team increased productivity by 15%

Aintree Group Chartered Accountants and Business Consultant’s purpose is to help business owners sleep well at night. Offering holistic financial services, the team at Aintree Group offer everything from bookkeeping and tax accounting to business consulting and advisory.Sue Dowling, Aintree Group Bookkeeper, found XBert when she was looking for a way to streamline their bookkeeping practice and ensure that the team were all providing the same, high standard of work. Within minutes she knew XBert ticked that box - and it wasn’t long before she realised how crucial XBert would be to increasing productivity and job satisfaction.

Sue Dowling, Aintree Group Bookkeeper[/caption]

What XBert does for Aintree Group

Managing a team can be a challenge. With XBert, Sue, the Managers and Partners have as much visibility across their clients as they want.

“As time goes on, small changes to procedures can happen – either by client or by instruction from client managers and practice partners. This can put at risk the integrity of what we do, particularly if a team member moves on or a client is reassigned. XBert’s Templates with sub tasks, links and instructions mean that we have one live “manual” and this is no longer an issue.”

Having the ability to easily assign queries or send reports back and forth through XBert is a game changer for productivity. The team is no longer relying on spreadsheet checklists and updating columns for things like TPAR, Super and Lock periods.

“XBert’s AI Audit is like having a personal assistant. Just today XBert found a $20k plus GST issue between related entities that we were able to solve quickly and seamlessly. Things like Junior employees birthdays (and wage reviews) were almost a pot-luck thing that had to be diarised. Now with XBert - we know it’s being flagged and can be taken care of.”

This comprehensive audit system, integrated with intuitive workflow tools, has increased Sue’s productivity by at least 10%-15% and growing, while making work life more enjoyable.

“My job satisfaction has increased. I don’t spend time going back to checklists and jumping around between tasks and clients. When a new procedure is agreed on, we update the template immediately, so it is clear for everyone now and for future training.”

They're also providing a better service to their clients.

"We are far more proactive and able to offer early advice or to make observations thanks to XBert’s AI.”

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